english class

in English class we were reading aloud. I accidentally volunteered myself to read a passage which is damn gay.

“Just keep smiling, Antony, at least until we get out of the arrival area,’ said Rupert.

I read it three times, and couldn’t get it the way jtoh wanted it, i.e. “angsty, you’re a teenager! go!” and in the end,

you have the emo look! WORK IT!”

which caused explosions of laughter. coincidentally this slash fic i read recently featured a main character named Antony. srsly, it was not causing me to giggle at inappropriate times.

later he calls glenys “honey”, i.e.,

“come on, honey, just read it” (or a variation of such)

:D in other words i love joseph toh.

and before he leaves class,

“sydney you have to enunciate more, you seem to be a bit off today- do you have braces?”
i show my metal teeth in a smile.


~ by sydney on February 12, 2008.

2 Responses to “english class”

  1. harh? i don’t understand. what gay?

  2. he;s effeminate lah. too cute.

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